Best // Mann

Songwriting, Production, Drums, and Mixing by Nate Mondschein

Nate Mondschein (aka Best Mann) is a music producer, drummer, songwriter, and mixing engineer from Massachusetts

Okayplayer (The Single Drops!)

For as long as I've been tuned into the music blog/journalism world, the one site that has consistently topped my list, and put me on to the most consistently amazing new music has been 

This afternoon, The Rooks were featured as a part of Okayplayer's First Look Friday series, where we also released our new single, Secrets. Check the link to both here

I could not be more humbled by this, nor could I be more proud of my five brothers for all the work we've put in over these past three years. There's a lot more to come, but this is something we've been looking towards for a long time, and it's a very surreal feeling to finally see it come together.

An unbelievable amount of thanks goes out to Mike Rosen, Lindsey Gardner, and the staff at OKP for making this possible.

And to keep things going, tomorrow night we'll be celebrating like crazy at Mercury Lounge and would love to have you with us!!! Click that link for more details, and here for tickets.

Doors will be @ 7pm

Paper Doll @ 7:30

Rooks @ 8:30

See you all there!!! 


Apologies For The Disappearing Act!

Well hey there. Its been an absolutely crazy month and change, and I've definitely let things slip here, so I wanted to start back up with a quick update about things on the horizon. So without further ado, some things I hope you'll stay tuned for in the coming month(s): 

-Shows on shows on shows! Details on the shows page itself, but the highlights through September are:

-Rooks Single Release Show @ Mercury Lounge! (9/27): check this video for a taste of some of the nonsense thats about to go down. Also my birthday weekend. This is gonna be nuts.

-Jess Best @ The Shrine (9/19): first full band NYC show! Gonna be a party.

-Sugarbad Residency @ Pulqueria (every tuesday, 9pm - 12 pm): 3 hours straight of funk and soul. Not a whole lot more you could ask for. 

-Some great new music coming out soon with The Rooks, Jess Best, Kush Mody, Trot FoxJosh Smith, and Henry Hall (I'll hype each of these a lot more as the actual release approaches. 

That's it for now, but definitely more to come! 


A Whole Lotta Updates!

It's been a crazy first couple of weeks in July, and doesnt look like things are gonna be slowing down anytime soon. So, a couple of highlights about shows/projects that are gonna be popping up in the near future:


-THE RIOT ACT TAKES ON BROOKLYN  (Sat, July 18th. 9pm)

Been a minute since our last live show, so I'm absolutely psyched for The Riot Act to be bringing back to Brooklyn this saturday, alongside fellow Wes alum/Vocal-Producer-Hybrid Extraordinaire Novelty Daughter. Check out for more details on upcoming stuff with this project!


-THE ROOKS SUMMER TOUR (July 30 - August 10th)

This one's been in the works for a minute, so we're incredibly excited to announce our first INTERNATIONAL (that's right, Canada counts!) TOUR! We've got stops all through the Northeast, as well as a few dates across the border, so check for specific show details, because I would love to see you at any that you're able make! We've got a whole bunch of new tunes and surprises for you. Its gonna be a blast.  And stay tuned for a few more announcements coming your way on the Rooks front!


- TROT FOX WRAPS UP JULY @ PIANOS (July 28th, 11pm) 

Heading back to one of my favorite LES venues with future-soul-ish quartet, Trot Fox for a late night end of july party. There will be some new tunes, a bunch of fun covers, and plenty of odd time-signatures to confuse your usual dance moves. Check the event link here, and hope to see you there.



Jess Best is a terrifyingly good vocalist. She's also a monster of a songwriter. Working on her album this past year has been an absolute pleasure. The first single, "Now That I Got It," just dropped today, so you should probably go check that out as soon as is humanly possible. I just wrapped some last minute tracking for one last tune yesterday (you can peep a quick clip here), and now we're shifting gears towards putting together our live set. Stay tuned to for details on both the big release, as well as any upcoming shows!



Thats it for now. Hope y'all are enjoying the summer weather, and I'd love to see you at a show sometime soon!


Look Ma! It's A Website!

Well hey there!

I'm Nate. Though If you're reading this, you probably know that already. Or you were looking for a Beethoven score in German, and wound up here instead. In which case you are at the very least beginning to figure it out.

I unfortunately don't know who you are, because that's not how the internet works (unless you're the NSA). But all the same, I'm glad you're here (again, unless you're the NSA). Welcome to my website!

I'm hoping this place can serve a few different purposes: first and foremost, I tend to be a pretty busy person, but absolutely love meeting new people and taking on new projects, so this site will give you the easiest/most direct way to get in touch with me. Need a drummer or producer for a session? Looking to start up instrument lessons? Want somebody to talk about their feelings in front of a crowded room? Shoot me an email (check the Contact page for details!) and I'll be sure to hit you back as soon as is humanly possible.  

Secondly, this will be a hub for any info/updates on the projects and events i'm involved with, musical or otherwise. It's looking to be a pretty busy summer/fall, so I'll be doing my best to keep you all up to date on whats going on/whats coming around the corner, and ocaaaaaasionally might throw a sneak peak of some upcoming things your way...but no promises... 

That's all I've got for now. I really appreciate you stopping by (even you, accidental Beethoven visitors) , and I hope you enjoy the stay! Incredibly excited to see where everything goes from here. 

Much love,


A Map, Of Sorts (For the Less Investigatively Inclined...)

I'm sure over time things will evolve in one direction or another, but for the time being, here's the basic layout: 

-Wanna know more about me? Swing by "The Bio"

-Looking for the updates? "The News" is the spot to check

-Need to know where I'm gonna be on a given night? That's a little creepy, but I guess "The Shows" is the place to look. 

-Tryin' to listen to some stuff? "The Music"

-Tryin' to see some stills of me making weird faces? "The Pictures"

-More of the 'moving images' type? How 21st century of you. Hit up "The Videos"

-For poems, lyrics, and random thoughts or lists (i really like lists...), "The Writing" is the place to be.

-Who do I hang out with? "The Family"  will give you links to most of the projects I'm currently performing or recording with in some capacity, and also happens to be a direct link to a bunch of people that I care deeply about, so give them a look, and let me know what you think!

-Last but not least, if you want to talk to me about any of this, be it for work purposes, for fun, or just for ranting in my general direction, swing by "The Contact Info" and give me a shout from there. I'd love to hear from you.